Stephanie Mitchell

Stephanie Mitchell
- Valor Distinguished Professor in Humanities; Professor of History
Professor Stephanie Mitchell moved to Kenosha in 2002 from the United Kingdom, where she had completed her doctorate at the Oxford University. Prior to that, she served as Professor of International Relations at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM), Mexico.
She had never visited the Midwest before accepting the position at Carthage and she was afraid of the winters, but after time, the warmth of the Carthage community persuaded her to stay. At Carthage, she teaches a variety of courses on Latin American history including Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. A passionate advocate for undergraduate research, she also regularly teaches the department’s senior thesis seminar. She has led study abroad experiences in Guatemala and England. Her research interests include women’s history, especially women’s suffrage history in hemispheric context, the Mexican Revolution, and the Guatemalan civil war.
Media Mentions:
Immigration and Economic Migrants. A Historic Prospective With Prof. Stephanie Mitchell
Professor Mitchell discusses immigration and the economy. (Racine Writer-in-Residence, July 3, 2019)
Looking Back at the Work of Early Suffragists, Striving to Cross Boundaries
Professor Mitchell discusses the two-week gathering last summer that focused on women’s struggles for the right to vote across the Americas. (Kenosha News, May 31, 2019)
Migrants seek peace from a history of U.S.-Central American violence
Professor Stephanie Mitchell writes op-ed on Central American caravan. (Kenosha News, December 9, 2019)